Wednesday, November 1, 2017


5th November - 3rd December 2017
Charity exhibition organized by Lions Club Tyrol
Galerie im Foyer, Hofburg, Innsbruck (Austria)

Open everyday from 9 to 17 h
Vernissage 4th November 2017, 19 h

A charity exhibition organized by Lions Club Tyrol in order to buy a high technological wheelchair for a young lady. 81 artists are showing paintings, sculptures and works on paper to support this charity service.

I show there two prints of the series 'Familie' and 'Luoghi'.

The print of the series 'Luoghi' on show at Hofburg - Foto © Laura Manfredi

Una mostra di beneficenza organizzata dal Lions Club Tyrol per comprare una sedia a rotelle tecnologicamente avanzata per una giovane donna. 81 artisti espongono dipinti, sculture e opere su carta per sostenere questo progetto di beneficenza.

Io espongo due stampe delle serie 'Familie' e 'Luoghi'.

Print of the series 'Familie' on show - Foto © Laura Manfredi