Monday, October 26, 2015


1st Annual Miniature Print Exhibition and Competition
Manhattan Graphics Center, New York

1st November - 18th December 2015
Gallery of Manhattan Graphics Center
250 West 40th Street, New York NY 10018

Opening reception during IFPDA's (International Fine Print Dealers Association) Print Week
7th November 2015, from 6pm to 9pm.

I take part to the printmaking group exhibition '1st Annual Miniature Print Exhibition and Competition' with 89 artists representing 28 different countries. The exhibition is curated by the team of the Manhattan Graphics Center and the juror Sarah Suzuki, Associate Curator in the Department of Drawings and Prints at the Museum of Modern Art MoMA of New York.

The Linocut 'Lake 1' on show - Copyright Laura Manfredi

Partecipo alla mostra collettiva di incisione '1st Annual Miniature Print Exhibition and Competition' organizzata dal Manhattan Graphics Center di New York. In esposizione 89 artisti da 29 Paesi, selezionati dal giurato Sarah Suzuki, curatore associato del dipartimento di Disegni e Stampe del Museum of Modern Art MoMA di New York.

The Linocut 'Lake 3' on show - Copyright Laura Manfredi

Ich nehme an der Radierungsgruppenausstellung '1st Annual Miniature Print Exhibition and Competition' zusammen mit 89 Künstlern aus 28 Länder teil. Die Ausstellung wird kuratiert vom Team des Manhattan Graphics Center von New York und von Sarah Suzuki, Associate Curator in dem Department of Drawings and Prints vom Museum of Modern Art MoMA von New York.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Art exhibition of Laura Manfredi
25th September - 30th October 2015
Culture Club Imst

Pictures of Thomas Böhm.

The exhibition 'Räume - Luoghi' of Laura Manfredi - Foto Copyright Thomas Böhm

Some pictures of the exhibition 'Räume - Luoghi', about an 'emotional landscape' of the artist. On show monoprints, linocuts and an installation, inspired by some wonderful locations of Tirol.
Read more about this exhibition.

The exhibition 'Räume - Luoghi' of Laura Manfredi - Foto Copyright Thomas Böhm

The exhibition 'Räume - Luoghi' of Laura Manfredi - Foto Copyright Thomas Böhm

Alcune immagini della mostra 'Räume - Luoghi', dedicata ad un paesaggio emotivo dell'artista. In mostra monoprint calcografici, linoleumgrafie ed un'installazione ispirati da alcuni luoghi magici del Tirolo.
Leggi di più su questa mostra.

The exhibition 'Räume - Luoghi' of Laura Manfredi
Foto Copyright Thomas Böhm

The exhibition 'Räume - Luoghi' of Laura Manfredi
Foto Copyright Thomas Böhm

Da können Sie einige Bilder der Ausstellung 'Räume - Luoghi', über eine emotionale Landschaft der Künstlerin, sehen. Werden Monoprints, Linolschnitte und eine Installation, inspirierte von zauberhaften Orten des Tirols ausgestellt.
Mehr lesen über diese Ausstellung.

The exhibition 'Räume - Luoghi' of Laura Manfredi - Foto Copyright Thomas Böhm

The exhibition 'Räume - Luoghi' of Laura Manfredi
Foto Copyright Thomas Böhm

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Tiroler Kunstakademie
VHS Im Atrium
Langer Weg 11
6020 Innsbruck - Austria

21st November, 28th November, 5th December, 12th December 2015 - 14.00/18.00 h

More info about the program - maggiori informazioni sul programma - Mehr Info über das Programm

Linocut is a quite new technique, appreciated by artists like Picasso and Matisse. Due to its semplicity and spontaneity, the technique allows a wide freedom of expression. During the 4-days Workshop we will print linocuts with one and with many colours. It'll be possible to make a small edition of the print, too.

Picture from the Linocut course of the Tiroler Kunstakademie 2015 - Copyright Laura Manfredi

La linoleumgrafia è una tecnica abbastanza nuova, che è stata molto apprezzata da artisti come Picasso e Matisse.
La tecnica è relativamente facile e molto versatile e per questo motive offre una grande libertà espressiva. Durante il corso di quattro giorni si stamperà a uno e a più colori e ci sarà la possibilità di fare una piccola tiratura.

Picture from the Linocut course of the Tiroler Kunstakademie 2015 - Copyright Laura Manfredi

Linolschnitt ist eine ziemlich neue Technik, die sehr geschätzt von Künstlern wie Picasso und Matisse war. Die Technik ist relativ einfach, sehr vielfältig und deshalb kann man mit ihr sich frei ausdrücken. Während den 4 Tagen von Kurs, werden wir Werke mit einer Platte und mit mehrere Platten vorbereiten und in schwarz-weiss sowie mit mehrere Farben arbeiten. Es wird auch möglich von jeder Werk eine kleine Auflage drucken.

Linocut course, Tiroler Kunstakademie 2015 - Copyright Laura Manfredi