Sunday, October 30, 2016


28th October - 14th November 2016
Daugavpils Mark Rothko Centre
Daugavpils, Latvia

Zoran Mise (Republic of Macedonia)
Laura Manfredi (Italy)
Vaida Varnagiene (Lithuania)
Agnieszka Zawadzka (Poland)
Robert Rabiej (Poland)
Miroslav Mandic (Serbia)
Jürgen Höritzsch (Germany)
Taida Jasarevic Hefford (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Inga Heamagi (Estonia)
Irene Podgornik Badia (Italy)
Anastasia Dubovska (Latvia)

The artists of the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi
The exhibition of the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi
Mirolslav Mandic and Taida Jasarevic Hefford - International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi

Some pictures of the exhibition of the graphic artworks that were created during the two weeks of the International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium are in the Mark Rothko Centre in Latvia. No specific theme was set for the symposium of this year. The artists were given an opportunity to talk about things that are topical to them. This year’s symposium brought together 11 graphic artists from 9 countries focusing on professional conversation and international dialogue in printmaking.

Zoran Mise - International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi

Agnieszka Zawadzka - International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi

Jürgen Höritzsch and Inga Heamagi - International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi

Alcune foto della mostra al Mark Rothko Center in Lettonia con le opere create durante le due settimane dell'International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium. Quest'anno non c'era un tema dato per le opere; gli artisti hanno avuto la possibilità di esprimersi sui temi a loro più cari. Questa edizione del simposio ha riunito 11 artisti da 9 paesi per un confronto professionale sulla grafica d'arte contemporanea internazionale.

Anastasia Dubovska (in the middle) - International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi
Laura Manfredi and Irene Podgornik Badia - International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi
Irene Podgornik Badia - International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi

Einige Fotos von der Ausstellung im Mark Rothko Center in Lettland, mit den Kunstwerken, die im zweiwöchigen International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium geschaffen wurden. Die KünstlerInnen durften über ihr Lieblingsthema arbeiten und sich ausdrücken. Heuer hat das Symposium 11 KünstlerInnen aus 9 Länder zusammen gebracht, die einen Dialog über professionelle zeitgenössische Grafik geführt haben.

Laura Manfredi - International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi
Laura Manfredi (detail) - International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi
Robert Rabiej and Vaida Varnagiene - International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium - ©L.Manfredi

Thursday, October 27, 2016


17 - 28 October 2016
Mark Rothko Art Centre
Daugavpils, Latvia

The 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium is a great opportunity to work and to talk about printmaking with international artists-printmakers.
During the two weeks of the Symposium we've shown our portfolio, we've got connections with the local artistic and Baltic scene and we've been working at new printartworks for our symposium's exhibition at the Mark Rothko Art Centre. Here you are some pictures of the artists working in the printmaking workshop of the Centre.

Vaida Varnagiene (right) at the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium ©L.Manfredi
Taida Jasarevic Hefford at the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium ©L.Manfredi

5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium è stato una grande occasione per lavorare e confrontarsi sulla grafica d'arte oggi con artisti che usano la stampa come mezzo espressivo.
Durante le due settimane di simposio abbiamo mostrato le nostre opere, siamo entrati in contatto con la scena artistica locale e dell'area Baltica e abbiamo lavorato nel laboratorio di grafica per la mostra degli artisti del simposio al Mark Rothko Centre.
Ecco alcune immagini degli artisti al lavoro.

Miroslav Mandic and Anastasia Dubovska at the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium ©L.Manfredi
Mishe at the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium © Laura Manfredi
Jürgen Höritzsch at the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium © L.Manfredi

Das 5. Internationale Latgale Grafik Art Symposium ist eine wunderbare Gelegenheit, um zu arbeiten und 
über die zeitgenössische Druckgrafik zu reden.
In dem zweiwöchigen Symposium haben wir uns unsere Portfolien gezeigt, wir haben die lokale und Baltische Kunstszene kennen gelernt und wir haben in der Druckwerkstatt gearbeitet um die Grafiken für die Symposiums Ausstellung im Mark Rothko Centre vorzubereiten.
Hier sind einige Bilder von den KünstlerInnen bei der Arbeit.

Laura Manfredi at the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium © L.Manfredi
From left: Irene Podgornik Badia and Inga Heamagi at the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium ©L.Manfredi
Robert Rabiej and Agnieszka Zawadzka at the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium ©L.Manfredi

5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium participating artists:
Mishe (Republic of Macedonia)
Laura Manfredi (Italy)
Vaida Varnagiene (Lithuania)
Agnieszka Zawadzka (Poland)
Robert Rabiej (Poland)
Miroslav Mandic (Serbia)
Jürgen Höritzsch (Germany)
Taida Jasarevic Hefford (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Inga Heamagi (Estonia)
Irene Podgornik Badia (Italy)
Anastasia Dubovska (Latvia)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


17 - 28 October 2016
Mark Rothko Art Centre
Daugavpils, Latvia

Participating artists:
Mishe (Republic of Macedonia)
Laura Manfredi (Italy)
Vaida Varnagiene (Lithuania)
Agnieszka Zawadzka (Poland)
Robert Rabiej (Poland)
Miroslav Mandic (Serbia)
Jürgen Höritzsch (Germany)
Taida Jasarevic Hefford (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Inga Heamagi (Estonia)
Irene Podgornik Badia (Italy)
Anastasia Dubovska (Latvia).

Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center in collaboration with Art Teachers’ Union in the framework of Rothko Centre’s Residence Program for the fifth time organize The International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium.
The Graphic Symposium is meeting, discussion and creative work within the cultural space of Latgale, which unites similarly and differently thinking and working graphic artists from Latvia and abroad, whom form of artistic expression is graphic.
The International jury for participation chose 11 participants from 9 countries.

Mark Rothko Art Center - Daugavpils, Latvia - Foto © Laura Manfredi
Mark Rothko Art Center - Daugavpils, Latvia - Foto © Laura Manfredi

Il Mark Rothko Art Center di Daugavpils in collaborazione con l'unione degli insegnanti d'arte organizza il simposio internazionale di arte grafica della regione del Latgale, nell'ambito del programma di residenza d'artista del centro Mark Rothko.
Il Graphic Symposium è incontro, discussione e lavoro creativo negli spazi della residenza artistica. E' occasione per mettere a confronto artisti lettoni e internazionali che si esprimono con i vari linguaggi della grafica d'arte
La giuria internazionale ha scelto per questa edizione del Simposio 11 partecipanti da 9 paesi.

The city of Daugavpils, Latvia - Foto © Laura Manfredi
The river Daugva at Daugavpils, Latvia - Foto © Laura Manfredi

Das Mark Rothko Art Center in Daugavpils (Lettland) hat das 5. Internationale Latgale Grafik Art Symposium organisiert.
Das Grafik Symposium ist Treffen und Debatte über Druckgrafik 
und kreative Arbeit  von internationalen KünstlerInnen. 
Die internationale Jury hat 11 TeilnehmerInnen aus 9 Ländern ausgesucht.

Artists showing portfolio at the 5th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium  © Laura Manfredi
A sentence of Mark Rothko

Friday, October 14, 2016


Group exhibition
Mentlgasse 12b - Innsbruck

22. Oktober 2016 - 20 h

Musik von SMESCH (7 Saxophone)

Die Ausstellung 'Heimat' kuratiert von KunstWerkRaum Mesnerhaus wird in Innsbruck bei Styleconception sein. Insgesamt haben 37 Künstler anhand einer Kartonschachtel das Thema 'Heimat' bearbeitet.

Styleconception, Innsbruck © Styleconception

La mostra 'Heimat', curata da 
KunstWerkRaum Mesnerhaus, fa tappa a Innsbruck nello spazio espositivo dedicato all'arte e al design Styleconception. Trentasette artisti si sono confrontati sul tema della patria (in tedesco 'Heimat', titolo della mostra) partendo da… una scatola di cartone. 

Laura Manfredi 'Heimat' 2016 - © Laura Manfredi

The exhibition 'Heimat', curated by KunstWerkRaum Mesnerhaus is on show in Innsbruck in the art and design showroom Styleconception. 37 artists exhibit their artworks on the theme 'Homeland' (in german 'Heimat', the title of the exhibition) working with…. a cardboard box. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


6th - 29th October 2016
Vilnius Graphic Art Centre
Latako str. 3, Vilnius

Curated by Nijolė Šaltenytė and Elena Grudzinskaitė, organized by Vilnius Graphic Art Centre

The  9th edition of the International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms in Vilnius exhibits 97 authors from 29 countries. 

The graphic works in the exhibition, which employ contemporary, traditional, experimental and authorial techniques, encompass a wide range of genres, ideas and narratives, guiding the viewer from realistic landscape and figurative compositions to associative fantasies and optical solutions, from decorative collages and minimalist frames to philosophical impressions and replicas of historical art and architecture.
I show there some print works of the series 'American Diary' printed during the art residence at the WSW - Women's Studio Workshop in USA.

The exhibition - Foto Courtesy International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms Vilnius

The exhibition - Foto Courtesy International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms Vilnius

La nona edizione dell'International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms di Vilnius porta in mostra 97 artisti provenienti da 29 nazioni.
Le opere grafiche esposte utilizzano sia tecniche di stampa tradizionali che sperimentali, offrendo un'ampia gamma di 'generi', che spaziano da composizioni più figurative ad altre più minimaliste.
Io espongo alcune stampe della serie 'American Diary' realizzate durante la residenza artistica al WSW - Women's Studio Workshop in America.

The opening - Foto Courtesy International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms Vilnius

The opening - Foto Courtesy International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms Vilnius

Die 9. Veranstaltung von International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms in Vilnius stellt 97 Künstlerinnen aus 29 Länder aus.
Die Kunstdrücke sind mit traditionellen und sperimentellen Techniken erschöpft und bieten eine breite Skala von 'Genres'.
Ich stelle drei Hochdrücke der Serie 'American Diary', erschöpfte während der Kunst-Residenz bei WSW - Women Studio Workshop in USA vor.

The catalogue of the exhibition - il catalogo di mostra - Der Katalog der Ausstellung