Thursday, April 27, 2017


Faszination weltweiter Kunst und Farbe
29 April - 8 May 2017
Cultural Center House Ebergard, Diez

The logo of the exhibitionEnter into Art 2017

More than 400 artworks of artists from 40 Countries and 5 Continents on display in the culture centre Kulturbunker of Cologne, Germany. The exhibition shows small format artworks connected by the themes of inspiration and meditation. 

I show there some of my small prints: 'American Diary' I and II and 'Lake'.

The Cultural Center House Ebergard in Diez - Photo Courtesy Enter into Art

Oltre 400 opere di artisti da 40 Paesi e dai cinque continenti in mostra al centro culturale Kulturbunker di Colonia, in Germania. La mostra propone opere di piccolo formato legate ai temi dell'ispirazione e della meditazione.

Espongo alcune mie piccole grafiche d'arte: 'American Diary I e II' e 'Lake - lago'.

One of my prints on show at Enter Into Art - Köln © Laura Manfredi

Über 400 Kunstbilder aus 5 Kontinenten und mehr als 40 Ländern. Die Kunstinstallation zeigt kleinformatige Bilder internationaler Künstler unter Einbeziehung meditativer Aspekte.

Ich stelle dort drei Kunstwerke aus: 'American Diary I und II' und 'Lake'.

The exhibition in Diez - Photo Courtesy Enter into Art

The exhibition in Diez - Photo Courtesy Enter into Art

Sunday, April 23, 2017


28th April – 20th May 2017
London Print Studio
425 Harrow Road, London

Party 27th April 6:30 pm
Admission Free
Open Tuesday – Saturday 10.30am – 5.30pm

Fifth stop for the touring exhibition curated by Leicester Print Workshop. In Fact from the 28th April till the 20th May 2017 the Small Print International exhibition will be in London in the printmaking center London Print Studio. On show 150 artworks from artists across the world, that measure no more than 100 square centimeters.

The artworks have been selected by the artists Angela Harding and Wuon-Gean Ho and by Jennifer Ramkalawon, curator of Western Modern and Contemporary Graphic Works, in the department of prints and Drawing of the British Museum.

I show there three of my last relief prints of the series 'American Diary', created during the artist residency at the WSW-Women Studio Workshop in USA.

The print 'Along the rail track' on show at Small Print International © Laura Manfredi 2016

Quinta tappa della mostra itinerante curata dal Leicester Print Workshop. Infatti dal 28 aprile al 20 maggio 2017 l'esposizione Small print international sarà a Londra nel centro di grafica London Print Studio. In mostra 150 opere di artisti da tutto il mondo, che non misurano più di 100 centimentri quadrati.

Le opere in mostra sono state selezionate dalle artiste Angela Harding, Wuon-Gean Ho e da Jennifer Ramkalawon, curatrice di Western Modern and Contemporary Graphic Works, nel dipartimento di prints and Drawing del British Museum.

Io espongo tre stampe a rilievo della serie 'American Diary', realizzate durante la residenza d'artista al WSW-Women Studio Workshop in America.

The exhibition at London Print Studio - Photo Courtesy © London Print Studio

The exhibition at London Print Studio - Photo Courtesy © London Print Studio

Fünfte Etappe für die 'touring' Ausstellung kuratiert von Leicester Print Workshop: von 28. April bis 20. Mai 2017 wird die 
Small Print International Ausstellung in London in dem Grafikzentrum 'London Print Studio' sein.  
Die Small Print International zeigt 150 Kunstwerke, die maximal 100 quadrat Zentimeter gross sind, von Künstlern aus aller Welt.

Die Kunstwerke wurden von den Künstlerinnen Angela Harding und Wuon-Gean Ho, und von Jennifer Ramkalawon, Kuratorin von Western Modern and Contemporary Graphic Works, in der Abteilung von Prints and Drawing vom British Museum (London) ausgewält sein.

Ich stelle drei Hochdrücke der Serie 'American Diary', erschöpfte während der Kunst-Residenz bei WSW - Women Studio Workshop in USA, vor.

Printmaker's tools - Photo Courtesy © London Print Studio

Printmakers at work - Photo Courtesy © London Print Studio

Saturday, April 22, 2017


27 April - 22 May 2017
Art Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzoric
Belgrade, Serbia

Logo of the International Printmaking Triennial Belgrade

The association of fine artists of Serbia (Ulus) is the organizer of the 3rd International Printmaking Triennial, to be held in the Art Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzoric, from 27th April to 22nd May 2017 in Belgrad.
On show international artists-printmakers selected by the Jury, composed by 
the artists and printmakers Ulla Madsen (Denmark), BiljanaVukovic (Serbia) and Dimitrije Pecić (Serbia).

I show a relief print of the serier 'American Diary' entitled 'the cave'.

The print 'the cave' on show at the Triennial of Belgrade ©Laura Manfredi

L'associazione degli artisti serbi (Ulus) è l'organizzatrice della terza Triennale Internazionale di grafica, che si tiene dal 27 aprile al 22 maggio 2017 a Belgrado. In mostra opere grafiche su carta di artisti internazionali selezionati dalla giuria, composta dagli artisti incisori Ulla Madsen (Danimarca), Biljana Vukovic (Serbia) e Dimitrije Pecić (Serbia).

Io espongo una stampa della serie 'American diary' intitolata 'the cave'.

The Art Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzoric, Belgrade. Photo Courtesy Triennial of Belgrade

Der Verein von den KünstlerInnen von Serbia (Ulus) organisiert die 3. Internationale Grafik Triennale. Die Ausstellung findet von 27. April bis 22. Mai 2017 in Belgrad statt. Die Kunstwerke wurden von den KünstlerInnen Ulla Madsen (Denmark), 
Biljana Vukovic (Serbien) und Dimitrije Pecić (Serbien) ausgewält sein.

Ich stelle einen Hochdruck der Serie 'American Diary' mit dem Titel 'The Cave' vor.  

The exhibition in Belgrade - Photo Courtesy Alberto Balletti

The exhibition in Belgrade - Photo Courtesy Alberto Balletti

The exhibition in Belgrade - Photo Courtesy Alberto Balletti

The exhibition in Belgrade - Photo Courtesy Alberto Balletti

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


21st April - 14th May 2017
Kabinett der Visionäre
Sägenstrasse 75, Chur (Suisse)

Vernissage 21st April, 18 h
Open: Tue, Wed, Sat, Sun 13:30 - 18:00
Thu, Fr 16:00 - 20:00

An exhibition dedicated to the theme of Wunderkammern. There I show a small objekt/artwork entitled 'Trovature I'  made of wood, paper, watercolors, a dia… and something more.

Una mostra dedicata al tema delle Wunderkammern. Espongo una piccola opera/oggetto dal titolo 'Trovature I' fatta di legno, carta, acquarelli, una diapositiva e… non solo.

Die Kuriositätenkabinette, aus denen später Wunderkammern hervorgingen, waren bedeutende Vorläufer des Museums. Für diese Ausstellung, stelle ich einen kleinen Kunstwerk/Objekt mit dem Titel 'Trovature I' aus Holz, Papier, Wasserfarbe, Dia (aber nicht nur) vor.

The artwork 'Trovature I' © Laura Manfredi

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Since April 2017
Corso Vittorio Emanuele 35, L'Aquila
curated by Veronica Santi

I'm one of the 22 selected artists for 'Change' the interational award, organised by the association Off Site Art in collaboration with the New York organisation ArtBridge.

The artworks of the selected artits - inspired by the theme of changement - are printed in large format on pvc and installed on the scaffoldings of the buildings under reconstruction in L'Aquila.

The jury, composed by Malin Fezehai (Newsyorker photographer and filmaker), Valerio Bindi (director of the comic festival Crack!) and Ian Alteveer (associated curator of the Department of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Metropolitan Museum di New York), has choosen 22 artists, between the 350 that have taken part to the call for art.

On the scaffoldings are installed an artwork of mine of the series 'Ancestors' (Antenati) and one of the series 'à rebours', created with the photographer Valerio Donghi.
Here the link to 'my' large scale artworks, installed in Corso Vittorio Emanuele 35 in L'Aquila.

The installation of one of my artworks - Foto Courtesy OSA © Filippo Zoccoli 

Sono tra i 22 artisti selezionati per Change, il concorso internazionale lanciato dall'associazione Off Site Art in collaborazione con l'organizzazione newyorkese ArtBridge.

Le opere degli artisti selezionati, ispirate al tema del cambiamento, vengono stampate su gigantografie in pvc e installate sui ponteggi degli edifici in ricostruzione all'Aquila.

La giuria, composta da Malin Fezehai, fotografa e filmaker newyorkese, Valerio Bindi, direttore del festival del fumetto Crack! e Ian Alteveer, curatore associato al Dipartimento di arte Moderna e Contemporanea del Metropolitan Museum di New York hanno scelto 22 artisti tra i 350 che hanno partecipato alla call for art.

Sui ponteggi uno dei miei lavori sella serie 'Antenati' ed un lavoro della serie 'à rebours', realizzato a quattro mani con il fotografo Valerio Donghi.
Qui la pagina con le 'mie' gigantografie, installate in Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 35 a L'Aquila.

My artworks for Change! - Foto Courtesy OSA © Filippo Zoccoli

Selected artists - artisti selezionati:

Alexa Hoyer
(Hamburg, 1976), Alexis Duque (Medellìn, 1971), Anna Capolupo (Lamezia Terme, 1983), Christopher Saucedo (New York, 1964), Clara Vanucci (Bagno a Ripoli, 1985), Claudia Borgia (Roma, 1975), Crys Yin (San Diego, 1981), Deanna Lee (New York, 1970), Federico Massa (Milano, 1981),  Floriana Mitchell (Siena, 1988), Giampiero Marcocci (Teramo, 1971), Giovanni Matera (Gravina di Puglia, 1986), Giuseppe Zema (Reggio Calabria, 1983), Laura Manfredi (Cremona, 1977), Madeleine Cutrona (Buffalo, 1986), Miho Suzuki (Tokyo), Pierpaolo Mancinelli (L’Aquila, 1955), Rachel Phillips (Philadelphia, 1970), Sandra Mack-Valencia (Medellìn, 1972), Serena Vittorini (L’Aquila, 1990), Tatiana Arocha (New York, 1974), To/Let (Bologna).

Alexis Duque for Change! - Foto Courtesy OSA © Claudia Pajweski
Anna Capolupo for Change! - Foto Courtesy OSA © Filippo Zoccoli
Deanna Lee for Change! - Foto Courtesy OSA © Claudia Pajweski

Saturday, April 1, 2017


Faszination weltweiter Kunst und Farbe
3 - 26 April 2017
Günter Leifheit Cultural Center
Municipal Museum Nassau

The logo of the exhibitionEnter into Art 2017

More than 400 artworks of artists from 40 Countries and 5 Continents on display in the culture centre Kulturbunker of Cologne, Germany. The exhibition shows small format artworks connected by the themes of inspiration and meditation. 

I show there some of my small prints: 'American Diary' I and II and 'Lake'.

The exhibition Enter Into Art in Nassau - Photo Courtesy Enter Into Art

Oltre 400 opere di artisti da 40 Paesi e dai cinque continenti in mostra al centro culturale Kulturbunker di Colonia, in Germania. La mostra propone opere di piccolo formato legate ai temi dell'ispirazione e della meditazione.

Espongo alcune mie piccole grafiche d'arte: 'American Diary I e II' e 'Lake - lago'.

One of my prints on show at Enter Into Art - Köln © Laura Manfredi

Über 400 Kunstbilder aus 5 Kontinenten und mehr als 40 Ländern. Die Kunstinstallation zeigt kleinformatige Bilder internationaler Künstler unter Einbeziehung meditativer Aspekte.

Ich stelle dort drei Kunstwerke aus: 'American Diary I und II' und 'Lake'.

The exhibition Enter Into Art in Nassau - Photo Courtesy Enter Into Art