Wednesday, July 4, 2018


14th July - 26th August 2018

B#S Gallery
Vicolo Isola di Mezzo 3/5, Treviso (Italy)

Vernissage 13th July 2018, 7 pm

Artworks by, in mostra, opere di:
Anitra Hamilton, Boris Beja, Juan Alberto Negroni, Spela Volcic, Cosima Montavoci, Stefano Zaratin, Laura Manfredi, Alice Mestriner & Ahad Moslemi

One of Laura Manfredi's artworks, B#S Gallery - © Laura Manfredi, Foto T.Böhm

The exhibition Still Life at B#S Gallery, Treviso - Foto © Laura Manfredi

The exhibition offers a contemporary reworking of the most typical iconography of vanitas: the image of the cut flower. Sublime, full of meaning, yet ambivalent, the language of cut flowers is the archetipal symbol of beauty and ephemeral youth, but in the deep it also carries an unavoidable funeral and presagistic component (given by its quality as a grave element).
The exhibited works are material, photographic, pictorial and installative, and they translate a universe full of spiritual and carnal references, connected to the metaphor of the flower in different cultures (Text by B#S Gallery).

One of Laura Manfredi's artworks, B#S Gallery, Treviso - Foto © Laura Manfredi
One of Laura Manfredi's artworks, B#S Gallery, Treviso - Foto © Laura Manfredi
One of Laura Manfredi's artworks, B#S Gallery, Treviso - Foto © Laura Manfredi

La mostra propone una rielaborazione in chiave contemporanea dell’iconografia più tipica della vanitas: l’immagine del fiore reciso. Sublime, pregno di significato, eppure ambivalente, il linguaggio del fiore reciso è per antonomasia simbolo di bellezza e di effimera gioventù, ma nel profondo porta anche con sè un’inevitabile componente funerea e presagistica, insita nella sua qualità di elemento tombale.
Le opere esposte sono materiche, fotografiche, pittoriche ed installative, e traducono un universo di rimandi spirituali e carnali, connesso alla metafora del fiore in diverse culture (Testo a cura di B#S Gallery).

The opening of Still Life @ B#S Gallery, Treviso - Foto © Mattia Carrer
The opening of Still Life @ B#S Gallery, Treviso - Foto © Mattia Carrer

Monday, July 2, 2018


An art project by Kunstkollektiv Wildwuchs

Vernissage 5th July 2018, 19 h
Haus der Begegnung, Rennweg, Innsbruck (Austria)

Exhibiting artists, artisti in mostra:
Ursula Beiler, James Clay, Gisela, Myriam Kraml, Gerlinde R. Lichtblau, Ype Limburg, Laurin Lucke, Laura Manfredi, Thomas Medicus, Atie Mozafary-Gmeiner, Werner Richter, Stefanie Ruprechter, Bertram Schrecklich, Maria Vill, Nikolina Zunêc

Laura Manfredi's artworks on show - © Laura Manfredi