Monday, November 19, 2012


Laura Manfredi & Edgar Mall
16, 17, 18th - 23, 24, 25th November 2012
4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Kramergasse 7, Imst , Austria

A site specific exhibition/installation for Kunststrasse Imst, a festival of contemporary art held during two week-ends of November in Imst, in Tirol. The city hosts exhibitions and art events: more than 100 visual artists, performers and musicians in 22 locations and a program reach of events.
I exhibit together with the photographer Edgar Mall.

Una mostra/installazione site specific per un importante appuntamento di arte contemporanea. Per due fine settimana di Novembre l'incantevole cittadina di Imst in Tirolo è letteralmente invasa da mostre ed eventi artistici: oltre 100 artisti visivi, performers e musicisti in 22 location di Imst ed un programma fitto di eventi.
Espongo con il fotografo Edgar Mall.

The invitation card

External view of the gallery
Kramergasse 7, Imst