Saturday, February 6, 2016


11th February - 3rd April 2016
Art Gallery El Catascopio
C/ Margarit 17

Vernissage 11th February 2016, 19.30 h
Open from Tuesday to Saturday, from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 21:00

Logo of the Exhibition 21x21 - International Triennial of Contemporary Engraving

Partecipo alla prima edizione della Triennale Internazionale di Incisione Contemporanea. In mostra alla Galleria di Barcelona El Catascopio 100 artisti che sono stati invitati a esprimersi nel formato 21 x 21 centimetri, da cui il titolo della mostra.
L'esposizione, aperta fino ad aprile, è stata organizzata da Graver Maintenant e dalla galleria El Catascopio con l'intento di contribuire al dialogo tra artisti, amanti dell'arte, collezionisti e centri artistici. In mostra i miei monotipi della serie 'Laghi'.

Laura Manfredi - Monoprint of the series 'Laghi' (Lakes) © Laura Manfredi

I show my work at the first edition of the International Triennial of Contemporary Engraving. On show in the Gallery El Catascopio in Barcelona 100 artists that have been invited to work in the format 21x21 cm, which is the title of the exhibition too.
The show is open till april and was organised by Graver Maintenant and the gallery El Catascopio, with the aim to contribute to the meeting and exchange among artists, art lovers, collectors and art centers. I show my monoprints of the series 'Laghi' (Lakes).

Laura Manfredi - Monoprint of the series 'Laghi' (Lakes) © Laura Manfredi

Ich nehme an die erste Edition von International Triennial of Contemporary Engraving teil. In der Galerie El Catascopio in Barcelona stellen 100 internationale Künstler aus, die sich für diese Ausstellung im Format 21x21 centimeter ausdrücken sollten.
Die Ausstellung - mit dem Titel 21x21 - ist bis april zu sehen und wurde von Graver Maintenant und der Galerie El Catascopio organisiert, um den Tausch zwischen Künstlern, Kunst-liebhabern, Sammlern und Kunst-Zentren zu unterstützen. Ich stelle Monoprints der Serie 'Laghi' (Seen) aus.

Laura Manfredi - Monoprint of the series 'Laghi' (Lakes) © Laura Manfredi

The opening of the exhibition 21x21 El Catascopio, Barcelona Foto El Catascopio

The opening of the exhibition 21x21 El Catascopio, Barcelona Foto El Catascopio